Nature can be transformative.
Help everyone enjoy its splendor.
Nature can be transformative.
Help everyone enjoy its splendor.
Nature can be transformative.
Help everyone enjoy its splendor.
Nature can be transformative.
Help everyone enjoy its splendor.


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Partner with KKL-JNF

When people and nature connect, magic happens

For over a century, KKL-JNF has been connecting people and nature through a wide variety of nature tourism initiatives. From accessible walking paths and recreation venues to scenic lookouts, bird watching sites, bicycle paths, and a plethora of special events, we help all of Israel’s citizens and visitors enjoy the majesty of its natural vistas.

KKL-JNF runs a wide variety of nature tourism activities and sites throughout Israel. They include:


Accessible sites: KKL-JNF creates and maintains picnic areas, walking paths, and recreation venues that are accessible to people with special needs and limited mobility. We also bring nature into the schoolyard with unique projects in special education schools.


Scenic lookouts: KKL-JNF has developed numerous scenic lookouts in its forests and parks to guide visitors to the best possible spots for viewing some of Israel’s most magnificent vistas.


Israel National Trail events: KKL-JNF initiates and participates in events along the Israel National Trail throughout the year, including commemorative events for fallen soldiers. In addition, we have enhanced the trail with forests, parks, and camping sites from Tel Dan in the north to the Taba Pass in the south, designed to improve the hiking experience.


Birdwatching sites: KKL-JNF established and operates a network of first-class birdwatching sites in Israel, where birds—both local and migratory—live, rest, and refuel and where the public can learn more about our winged friends. KKL-JNF’s birding activities are carried out under its KKL-JNF Wings (Kanfei KKL) branch.


Bicycle paths: Over a thousand kilometers of bicycle paths built by KKL-JNF connect communities throughout Israel to parks, forests, and other open spaces.


Festivals and memorial days: KKL-JNF organizes special events in nature for the public throughout the year to celebrate holidays and festivals, as well as commemorate those we have lost.  


280,000 volunteers take part in UN Clean Up the World Day in Israel

11 national birding centers

1 million + visitors to forests on holidays and festivals

300 accessible tourism sites

1,300 km forest bicycle trails, crisscrossing the country

1,343 picnic and leisure sites in forests

This project implements the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Good Health and Well-Being
Life on Land

Nature touches our hearts

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Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael–Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has been developing the land of Israel and strengthening the bond between the Jewish people and its homeland since 1901. KKL-JNF continues to meet the State of Israel’s changing needs and, together with its friends worldwide, create a better Israel through projects in forestry, environment, combating desertification and climate change, community development, water Management, ecotourism, agricultural R&D, education and more.